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Langley Grammar School has been designated by the Department for Education as one of 87 Teaching School Hubs from September 2024.
TSH Berkshire is the operating name of the DfE designated Teaching School Hub for the ‘SE10’ region, which comprises the six local authority areas in Berkshire.


There is a growing emphasis on teachers training via the apprenticeship route.  At the moment, if you have a degree you can gain a teaching qualification whilst being employed by a school.  Generally, schools will have the funding to cover your training and assessment costs.  You will be assessed using the same Teachers' Standards as those following other routes and will spend 20% of your time in 'off the job' training.  You will need to take an 'end point assessment' which will be set by the Teaching Apprenticeship provider that the school uses. 

Some Teacher Degree Apprenticeships will be open to applicants from September 2024 (the course will start in September 2025).   

Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship (PGTA)

This is for those who already have a degree.  It is an employment-based course which leads to Qualified Teacher Status.  In order to undertake a PGTA you need to be employed by a school as a trainee teacher (80% of the time will be spent working, the other 20% will be spent on ‘off the job’ training). The school will be responsible for paying the full cost of the training, assessment and salary (through a levy and grant funding). The course lasts one year and can start at any time of the year.

Some of our regional providers are considering running PGTAs in the near future.  In the meantime, you can arrange employment at a school in our region and use another provider.  Among our more local PGTA providers are:

  • Xavier (Teach South East) SCITT
  • Surrey South Farnham SCITT
  • eQualitas
  • Best Practice Network
  • University of Buckingham

Schools wishing to host an apprentice will be known as a Lead school and need to choose a provider. Click here for provider information.

More information can be found on the DfE website here.

Specific information regarding funding can be found here.

Teacher Degree Apprenticeships (TDA)

This is a new course that will be open for applications from September 2024 (to start in September 2025) for people without an undergraduate degree who wish to gain Qualified Teacher Status in Primary or Secondary education.  The school will be responsible for paying the full cost of the training, assessment and salary (through levy and grant funding).  There are more details to be finalised as yet, but if you wish to explore this option further, you can click here for a website that may be useful for you.