Langley Grammar School has been re-designated by the Department for Education as one of 87 Teaching School Hubs from September 2024.
TSH Berkshire is the operating name of the DfE designated Teaching School Hub for the ‘SE10’ region, which comprises the six local authority areas in Berkshire.
"The networking and support have been extremely helpful and comforting knowing that there is a supportive group of ECT/Mentors and staff ready to help."
(ECT Participant)
“I wanted to say a heartfelt thanks for the help and encouragement from all at the hub for the course - I feel it has really made me think in a more analytical way and has been really useful in my role as a leader in how to think beyond operational issues and deal with the nitty-gritty of school improvement.”
(NPQ Participant)
We are delighted to welcome our new Spring 2024 NPQs on to their induction conferences. Also, a very warm welcome to our very first cohort starting our new NPQ for Leading Primary Maths.
I am very satisfied with the early career framework programme because it is delivered in a way that is manageable whilst working full-time in an already demanding role as a class teacher. The self-directed sessions are easy to navigate, short and effective at allowing me to fully understand the focal aspect of good teaching practice. The sessions draw upon relevant and relatable examples that allow for beneficial reflection within my own experiences and practice. (ECT Participant)
The course has improved my confidence and status within the school. It has motivated me and has directly helped me improve outcomes for my children as well as improved my relationship with colleagues. I have re-affirmed my value as a teacher and what I can offer and I have gained respect as a direct result. (ECT Participant)